
At Fynbo Foods, we are deeply committed to our social responsibility, encompassing our employees, the local community, and our entire supply chain.

Work place

Our employees are vital to our business, and their well-being is a significant factor in the continued success of our company. In addition to ongoing communication between HR, management, and employees, we have conducted an anonymous survey of our social capital since 2012, covering trust, fairness, and cooperation. Starting in 2023, we also measure our eNPS, which gauges employee loyalty.

Our employees' working conditions must meet legal requirements and relevant collective agreements. Compliance with international conventions on human rights and labor conditions, including the UN Global Compact and ILO conventions, is fundamental. We are a proud member of the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and are subject to both the Industry Agreement and the Salaried Employee Agreement.

Our personnel strategy embraces diversity, inclusion, and the diverse labor market. We have employees of over 10 different nationalities, offer apprenticeships, internships, study positions, and vocational training, employ unskilled and skilled workers, have employees with various educational backgrounds, accommodate flexible work arrangements, senior employment programs, and more. We also serve as a business center for the local job center in Hjørring Municipality, collaborating closely to help unemployed individuals find meaningful activities that contribute to their skill development and enhance their employment prospects. Over the past decade, we've hosted over 200 job placement trainees, with a significant portion subsequently becoming our employees.

In both 2016 and 2024, we have had the great honor of receiving the local Integration Council's appreciation "for ongoing and invaluable contributions to the integration efforts in Hjørring Municipality." We are very proud that our managers and employees have been recognized in this way for their efforts in ensuring the successful integration of new residents in the municipality by wholeheartedly welcoming them into our work community.

Our internal personnel policies support the inclusive labor market in various ways. New employees receive these policies through our personnel handbook and an oral introduction. They learn about our zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, corrupt practices, forced labor, child labor, and other forms of illegal or unethical conduct. Additionally, all employees are introduced to our internal whistleblower system.

Local community

As part of our social responsibility, we have established strong collaborations with Hjørring Municipality's job center. We also engage in several initiatives to support young people in their pursuit of education and employment. For example, we are a guarantee partner in Hjørring Municipality's Youth Guarantee program and participate in the DA Open Business program.

Furthermore, we collaborate with educational institutions, particularly in North Jutland, on specific projects, tasks, company visits, and more. We are deeply committed to ensuring that young individuals receive an education, and our goal is to have at least 5% of our workforce consist of apprentices, trainees, or students/interns.

Our CEO, Richard Fynbo, has actively served on various boards, including DI (Confederation of Danish Industry), EUC Nord, and UCN, to foster closer cooperation between the business sector and educational institutions.


Supply chain

Even though we produce our products in Denmark and adhere to Danish legislation as well as international conventions on human rights and labor rights, our responsibility doesn't stop there. We source raw materials, ingredients, and packaging from around the world, which extends our responsibility beyond Danish borders.

Supplier Selection and Code of Conduct. We have a robust procedure for risk assessment, approval, and ongoing evaluation of our suppliers. These procedures are an integral part of our quality management system.

Our suppliers are carefully selected and must meet a wide range of criteria. They are required to sign our "Code of Conduct for Suppliers," which sets out our requirements and standards in the field of CSR. The code is developed, among other things, based on the UN's Global Compact, Human Rights Convention, and ILO conventions. Additionally, the code reflects the CSR requirements that we receive from our customers.

The code includes prohibitions on illegal business practices, including corruption, forced labor, discrimination, violent behavior, child labor, as well as guidelines and minimum standards for employment conditions (contract, wage conditions, working hours, etc.) and working environment. Suppliers commit to complying with these requirements and to impose similar requirements on their subcontractors.

If we are dealing with a supplier with production in countries categorized as high-risk countries according to BSCI's Country Risk Classification, we impose stricter requirements. The CSR conditions of such suppliers must be audited or certified by a recognized independent agency with satisfactory results, such as Sedex/SMETA (audit report and corrective action report) or a BSCI audit report.

Fynbo Foods is a member of the global collaboration platform, SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange).


Fynbo Foods is certified by Flo-Cert GmbH according to the international Fairtrade Standard. This means that we are allowed to produce products carrying the international Fairtrade label.

Fairtrade is an international labeling scheme aimed at improving the working and living conditions of some of the world's poorest farmers in Africa, Asia, South and Central America, and promoting environmental protection. Approximately 1.5 million farmers and workers benefit from the organization's work, and the organization monitors the compliance with national agreements on minimum wages and working conditions, as well as creating positive growth, such as building schools or investing in cultivation methods improvement.

